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i3 Explained and Applied

Interest, inquiry, impact. These are the three pillars of the i3 process.

I'm applying the i3 process to Artober/Inktober in this way:

1. Interest-I'm interested in drawing, painting, and inking. I'll be using the challenges to improve my skills (or at least my consistency).

2. Inquiry- Each week, I'll look into a different style of inking and apply that to each prompt that week.

3. Impact-This project has two levels of impact. The personal impact involves improvement through daily practice. The second impact focuses on my students. They will see a practical application of the i3 process and (I hope) have a deeper understanding of the purpose and possibilities.

Analysis of the process

I had a difficult time defining the Inquiry and Impact portion of this particular project. The impact part seemed obvious and the same as interest: I would complete a challenge. Being "forced" to define the personal impact helped me to see what I actually want from Inktober.

The inquiry was harder. I didn't see how that particular leg applied because I planned on simplicity: look at the prompt; draw a thing. Adding the inquiry piece deepened the impact portion. Now that I'll be looking at a style or researching different inking processes, I'll actually improve more.


This piece involved a favorite look: Large calligraphic lettering with a background of smaller text. The theme for the day was "Spell." I used the witches' spell from Macbeth with a focus on their definition of Macbeth. My English IV class has been studying Macb, so "Spell" immediately conjured the weird sisters.

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